
How To Disenchant Minecraft 1.14 And Keep Enchantments

All enchantments are powerful little things in minecraft. Whether you want to become invisible, exhale underwater for longer, or only use them to enhance your games, there will e'er exist a amuse you can employ. These tin can also be placed on armor pieces or on your weapons.

But, if at this indicate you lot no longer want the enchantment to be on your item, don't worry! Since in this article we will teach you lot to how to disenchant Minecraft in a elementary and quite fast way. Allow's start with the following guide!

Como Desencantar Minecraft
How to Disenchant Minecraft

How to disenchant minecraft? - Elementary method

1. Using the sharpening stone

A sharpening stone Minecraft can exist used to disenchant items. But how is this accomplished? you but need to place your enchanted particular in i of the two entry slots when interacting with it. It can likewise be used to combine ii of the same items to forge a new particular with the combined immovability plus an boosted 5% up to the maximum durability for that specific item.

Note that during this process, both items are consumed and you volition remove all enchantments from both items. By deleting incantations with the whetstone on Minecraft Using whatsoever of the above methods, you lot volition receive the experience points you spent on enchantments, so that you lot can cast some other enchantment on an enchantment tabular array.

How to make a whetstone in Minecraft? - Materials

  1. Sticks x2
  2. Rock Slab x1
  3. Wood planks (whatever type) x2

To begin with, lay the rock slab in the heart block of the acme row of your 3 × 3 arts and crafts grid. Next, identify the 2 sticks in the top corners to the side. Finally, the two wooden boards go straight nether the two sticks, in the squares in the middle left and right row.


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